As a neuropsychologist with over 50,000 hours of clinical practice, I'm fascinated by the brain and I'm fascinated by behavior; especially in terms of how people react and respond online and in social media. I've been working online since 1998, just about the time the internet actually began. I've built three internet businesses since then (2 service and 1 ecommerce), and have worked with hundreds of clients to turn their business goals into reality. I've been quoted in publications such as Fortune Small Business, Entrepreneur, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Sales and Marketing Management, Selling Power- among many others. I've been a Contributing Editor to Hearst Publications, where I consulted with them on topics related to psychology, psychometrics, and generating engagement from their audiences in print and online. I've been a guest on NPR, as well as other top radio stations, and am the author of six books, including Internet Marketing for the Rest of Us: Your In-Depth Guide to Profitable Popularity. Clients enjoy working with me because of my knowledge and experience, and for my practical, 'get it done' approach to business building. When I'm not helping businesses grow, you can find me in my jewelry studio, working in metal, leather, and glass- or out in one of our gorgeous National Parks, catching sunrise or sunset with my digital camera.